cryptofinance Yellow card has officially launched its Yellow Pay feature across Africa. With this launch, users will be able to send and receive money cheaply across Africa.

The feature uses Yellow Card’s crypto exchange platform to complete customer transactions on USDT.

This is more than just a money transfer service – it is a powerful tool that will unlock new opportunities for people across Africa.,” saying Chris MauricioCEO and co-founder of Yellow Card.

By enabling low-cost and instant cross-border transactions, we are helping to create a more connected and dynamic Africa..”

The service is powered by blockchain technology, making it cheaper and making transactions instant.

How the yellow payment works

To use Yellow Pay, the user must deposit their local currency into the Yellow Card app. Then they select the “Send” option and enter the phone number of the person they want to send it to.

If the recipient does not have a Yellow Card account, they will receive an alert that they have received money and have registered for an account to withdraw the money.

Once confirmed, the funds are sent instantly and the recipient can withdraw them in their local currency (mobile money or a bank account).

Everything is powered by Yellow Card’s Crypto rails.