The tech world produces overnight hits on an almost daily basis, but when a startup founded less than four months ago gets Microsoft to sign $10 billion in a check with a valuation of $29 billion, questions begin. to fly.

ChatGPT was created by OpenAI to be special from the ground up. It is an artificial intelligence (AI) tool used to converse, generate readable text on demand, and even produce original images and videos from what the AI ​​has learned by interacting with vast amounts of data, including digital books, articles, and written online and other media. materials

As a large language model, ChatGPT’s main goal is to help users with language processing. For example, Microsoft is exploring integrating the AI ​​tool into its popular office software that could help users of features like Microsoft Word type more accurately and with fewer errors by suggesting alternative words and phrases as they type. .

“Anyone who isn’t studying ChatGPT closely will be left behind. Whether you are an executive looking to improve processes, hire the best people or keep up with your competition,” said Ngozi Dozie, co-founder of Carbon, a Nigeria-based digital banking platform.

Here are some of the questions you may want answered:

What do you know about OpenAI and its founders?

OpenAI began as a non-profit research company founded by Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, and Sam Altman, former president of Y Combinator, in 2015 to develop and drive artificial intelligence in ways that benefit humanity in its set.

The two founders started OpenAI with a pledge of $1 billion. Musk left the company in 2018 over concerns of a conflict of interest with Tesla, the clean energy and auto company he runs as chief executive. The founders created OpenAI in part to counter an existential concern about the potential for catastrophe resulting from the carelessness and misuse of general-purpose AI. Research and patents conducted by the company are intended to remain open to the public, except where they may adversely affect safety.

OpenAI went from being a not-for-profit corporation to a limited-profit corporation, which is a hybrid of not-for-profit and for-profit. Later that year, Microsoft invested $1 billion in the company. The latest investment of $10 billion in 2023 is the second time Microsoft has bet on the company. OpenAI released ChatGPT on November 30, 2022.

“ChatGPT is a sister model to InstructGPT, which is trained to follow an instruction in a prompt and provide a detailed response,” OpenAI said in a statement issued at the launch in November. “We are excited to introduce ChatGPT to get user feedback and learn about its strengths and weaknesses.”

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Is ChatGPT a chatbot?

If you think of chatbots in the sense that Nigerian banks launched banking chatbots in 2018, you may not have the whole picture. Since then, most banking chatbots have been dismantled because they didn’t live up to expectations.

ChatGPT, however, is an advanced chatbot built to do just about anything, including coding and interacting that mimics human intelligence. It is trained to learn what human beings mean when they ask a question.

GPT-3.5, on which ChatGPT is based, was trained on massive amounts of code data and information from the Internet, including sources such as Reddit discussions, to help ChatGPT learn dialog and achieve a responsive, human style.

ChatGPT was also trained using human feedback (a technique called Human Feedback Reinforcement Learning) so that the AI ​​would learn what humans expected when they asked a question. With this technique, ChatGPT learns the ability to follow instructions and generate satisfying responses for people.

How does ChatGPT affect my work?

As with all things AI, there are no guarantees that jobs won’t be replaced as machines become smarter and able to learn and perform some of the critical tasks previously thought to be the preserve of AI. the humans.

The buzz around ChatGPT is that it could potentially threaten programming jobs since anyone with even rudimentary knowledge of coding could use the tool to create projects. In this sense, entry level programmers may need to update their knowledge as quickly as possible to bring more value to their jobs. Customer service jobs can also be threatened. ChatGPT was created primarily to provide a better customer experience for consumers who are human-like. ChatGPT’s ability to write full essays and blog posts means that content creators have strong competition. This is also true for people who write copy for marketing campaigns, ads, and social media.

However, ChatGPT is still not a perfect AI, but OpenAI improves it more and more to make it more accurate. There are currently several limitations, such as having a database that stops in 2021, which affects the effectiveness of ChatGPT.

It also lacks the ability to separate fact and fiction, a feature you may never have. For example, Habeeb Shopeju, a machine learning research engineer at Thompson Reuters, used ChatGPT to write an application letter in the Yoruba language in December, and the result fell short of expectations because the AI ​​was unable to construct some words in the language. . In another experiment, the information age, a media house used ChatGPT to write a full story on ChatGPT and published the final product. While the piece is about as simple as you can ask for, it also generated bogus quotes that it attributed to an OpenAI researcher, John Smith.

There’s also the point that ChatGPT wouldn’t be deployed to war to talk to soldiers on the front lines, nor would it be able to read the emotions of footballers or athletes who just lost a game.

But techies like Dan Shipper, CEO of Every, a digital media platform, see the existing GPT 3 with its limitations as capable of becoming a second brain, especially for notes.

“one. Notes will be automatically tagged and linked, no manual work required. 2. The notes will be automatically enriched and synthesized to help you find patterns. 3. CoPilot-like functionality will redisplay key information from previous notes in context as you type,” Shipper said.

Ngozi Dozie says that ChatGPT as a learning tool could pose a threat to learning platforms like Udemy or Coursera.

“Don’t forget that version 4 is yet to come. This is not perfect and will not always give the correct answer. But there is a lot of goodness inside. If you’re not using it, your competitors are,” Dozie said.

Who can use ChatGPT?

At the moment, it is a platform that can only be used by people with basic programming knowledge. This can be any person, individual or company. To use ChatGPT, you will first need to visit the OpenAI website and create an account. Once you have an account, you can access ChatGPT through the website and start using it right away.